I just wanted to post about yesterday. I've been going through The Book of Nehemiah with one of my chapter studies. During reading and meditation time I heard the Lord say to me, " Invite T.J. and Shayla Mc Cormick over for dinner this very evening," Jesus wanted to encourage them. I love to do what God tells me, so I devised a plan to do that very thing, The Lord wanted to use me to encourage them with the very book that I had been going through, The Book of Nehemiah. I usually ask for confirmation about what God tells me to do so I prayed and asked the Lord to confirm to me if I were to share the encouragement with these two church Planter's then T.J. would ask me himself what God told me to say to them. I just want to say for the record that JESUS LOVE and ENCOURAGEMENT towards this couple is active and powerful. God allowed me to speak His word over T.J. and Shayla last night. They have been called to a huge undertaking of planting a new church in Ft. Lauderdale Fl. and I am blessed and humbled to have a teeney part in this mind boggling undertaking that they are committed to do to completion. Please here what God is saying; Any of us could receive a call from God to Go, do not delay, walk in the path He has purposed for you, If it breaks your heart and causes you to fast and pray, it's something you will need to look into. Opposition will be a factor doing the will of God, stand fast never give up on the vision God has given you. God will give you people who have the same vision, He will build the wall. It may take months to see something coming together, just keep praying and stay committed. Don't be afraid to admit your fear, this is where your strength in Him comes from. Do not allow fear to stop you. God is always in charge. Plan ahead. Don't tell everyone everything all the time. When it is time, God will help you share it with enthusiasm, inspiring people to want to be a part of your vision that God has planned out ahead of time for you to do. Team work = action. During difficult times of discouragement, fear and opposition depend on Gods strength for the building vision . Persevere through and rally the people. Everyone will feel a part of the building process, encouragement goes along way. Strategy can be learned through reading Gods word. There will be people needed to build and people to pray and intercede against spiritual attacks, Pray with weapons of warfare! Pray God's justice is carried out. Combine prayer with preparation and planning, keep vigilant and watch over what has been entrusted to you. And don't forget effort! Are you tired yet? That's just the tip of the iceberg. Accomplishing any large task is tiring. There are always pressures that foster discouragement-the task seems impossible, it can never be finished, too many factors are working against us. The only cure for fatigue and discouragement is focusing on God's purposes. Nehemiah reminded the workers of their calling, their goal, and God's protection. If you are overwhelmed by an assignment, tired, and discouraged, remember God's purpose for you life and His special purpose for the project.
6 months ago