Do you need to sell your house? This is the first question. If the answer is NO then start to PRAISE THE LORD! You are favored! You did something right! You are able to enjoy being in a stable environment! Some of us have found ourselves in a position that is very unfamiliar! The bottom feels like it is falling away... We are experiencing a trial. We find ourselves going through a faith building refining process. Our dreams of home ownership have gone out of control. Now we are faced with the question...What can we do to help sell our dream homes fast? I have the answer... Hire a Home Stager!! That's right, a home stager can help you see what is missing from your home selling equation...of, selling vs not selling. There are many factors in not being able to sell your home. "The Look Factor." Your house must look good, smell good, and be in good condition. If you want a professional opinion then HIRE ME. You will first need a consult. With every consult I will come to your home and do a walk through. I will put together a home staging check off list that you can accomplish yourself or you can hire me and my team to stage your home to get it to the best selling condition. For the Month of July, I am doing half price on consults, which by the way is ridiculous; Regular$50.00 now $25.00. Call me @ 941-747-3857 hm. My cell; 941-545-4871. Or e-mail @ CALL ME. P.S. If you just want a consult to update your existing home that you are not selling, I will help you with these needs as well.
6 months ago
Does that $50.00 consult include Vegas as well? :)