I thought I would blog a subject that is gripping...(litterally.) The Subject of REBELLION. For most people, they do not realize that it is possible to be plagued with this affliction. Yes... I said affliction. And I said plagued. Affliction means; to give pain or grief to, distress, trouble, vex. Plagued means; Highly contagious, affliction. To rebel means; "be contentious". The meaning of "being rebellious" is limited to the Hebrew language, as the meaning of this verb in other Semitic languages differs: "to make angry" (Aramaic), "to contend with" (Syriac), and to dispute with (Arabic), This serious problem can be CONTAGIOUS, take note; is anyone else who lives with you having the same problems with rebelling against authority...? If you have answered YES... Then, The affliction of REBELLION has spread, like a disease, all involved need the loving healing power of God's word, and the confession of sin. Rebellion is something every human deals with because we are all imperfect. We are naturally bent to rebel. And we are in a spiritual battle against the evil ones. They never stop trying to provoking us to sin. They use our human weakness to tempt us and fool us and make lies sound like the truth. Don't believe everything your heart is feeling. God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Learn to use "THE ARMOR OF GOD" ( Ephesians 6:10-18. ) Christians have been empowered by the Holy Spirit, to live in power, love and by self control. By renewing our minds daily partaking in the Word Of God, He will give us the ability to be able to identify what the trouble is and who it is coming from. [In 2 Corinthians 10:5 the word says; We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.] The only Correction for the problem, is the Word Of God and knowing it backward and forward. Find Christian Small Groups to join, this will help you to live out your christian life and "Experience in Community" instead of all alone. Seek out churches that have these kind of programs that are designed to promote fellowship and spiritual growth, where you can confide in people to pray for you, and to mentor you, when you are in need... And don't forget our Pastors who week after week prepare from their hearts what God gives them to share for our encouragement, refreshment and growth, they pour out their lives for the sheep.(US.) REBELLION was initiated in the beginning when Lucifer, feeling equal with God rebelled and took with him 1/3rd of the angels from heaven, He is master at persuasion. A few examples of rebellion: you may be in rebellion against God or authority if you are; Angry and confused... If you are stubborn and fighting to get your own way all the time, or, are rejecting wise godly counsel...If you are not satisfied... If you are disputing the ones that are in authority to you ...If you purposely disobey the ones who are in authority over you... If this was a test, How would you score?
6 months ago
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