Sunday, December 11, 2011


THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION! PERIOD! FOR THOSE OF US WHO ARE IN CHRIST, there is no longer any condemnation for us even though we still sin sometimes. Let me explain, because of what Jesus did on the cross, by becoming the perfect sacrifice He took all our sins away. Even though sometimes we sin knowingly or unknowingly. When the tempter comes to tell you how rotten you are, PLEASE STAND UP TO SATAN, tell him you are the beloved in Christ Jesus, and even though you sometimes fall down because of the sin inside, He is not done with me yet. We are in the sanctification process, we will all fall down sometime. Don't listen to the voice who says condemning words in your head, calling you unclean, dirty, rotten, evil, sinner! I'm here to tell you today...You are the head and not the tail! Just learn from your mistake and tell Jesus you are truly sorry for the sin and you will try not to do it again![AND MEAN IT!] HE WILL FORGIVE YOU, YOU ARE ALREADY FORGIVEN! HE JUST NEEDS TO HEAR IT FROM YOU! It really is all about relationship with you FATHER. Get to know HIM. HE loves you so much and wants only the best for you! Your FATHER WOULD NEVER tell you you are a loser, He would never want you to suffer under a spirit of shame, guilt, self hatred and condemnation, these are the tactics of our enemy. FATHER GOD simply wants you to realize HE KNOWS that you are not perfect yet, and He is there to simply hear you say your sorry when you mess up. He loves you so much that He sent HIS ONE and ONLY SON JESUS [YAHUSHUA] to take your place,[ it is finished] Our enemy is so jealous of your relationship with the FATHER, that he will do anything to keep you from having this relationship with HIM. PLEASE REMEMBER IT IS NOT YOU WHO SINS BUT THE SIN THAT LIVES INSIDE YOU! You can get it right, it just takes practise! REBUKE YOUR ENEMY, TAKE BACK YOUR AUTHORITY! YOU ARE POWERFUL IN CHRIST TO THE PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE SICK WITH DISEASE EITHER! PSALMS 103:3 SAYS; WHO FORGIVES ALL YOUR SINS; WHO HEALS ALL YOUR DISEASES! ALL MEANS ALL! PRAISE YOUR FATHER FOREVER, HE WILL SET YOU FREE, DO NOT BE A CAPTIVE TO THE ENEMY ANY LONGER!

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