This morning my studies led me into an anointing that was supernatural! Singing and prayer breaking forth into Adoration and Praise! The singing and tune was in a language of the angels... I had never heard it before! The words, a beautiful foreign language that my Spirit was pouring out to the Father. I was joined to the Fathers Spirit...The Great Holy Spirit... Praising Our Great
God and Savior King Jesus! He was moving in a new and glorious way inside my hungering heart! He was giving this dried up old vessel a new song! Just last week, I was telling him that I was bored with my walk...! I said,"There has not been any real growth lately for me Lord....! You know me Lord, I love to be moving along on my growth track and when I'm not growing or moving...Well, let's put it this way, I'm bored...Just then, I started to become aware of a stirring in my Spirit. The Holy Spirit was prompting me to pray for the anointing to start to reign down on me. I prayed in this way and the Spirit started to move. There are indescribable things that have been happening since I've prayed that prayer, things that start out to seem like no big thing start to blow up in front of me. If you know me, I will have stories to tell! He showed me he was moving... He is always moving![Jeremiah 33:3] I was just not tuning into the process until now. There is so much more for us. This morning a verse of scripture came jumping off the page for me In Ephesians 3:8[new living translation] it says; there are ENDLESS TREASURES AVAILABLE TO THEM IN CHRIST.[ has anyone ever seen the movie National Treasure?] Put it this way, that's nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 b. "WOW" I thought, "I'm in Christ...! There are endless treasures for me..." Think about what that means for a second... If there are endless treasures for me why am I not tapping into these treasures more often? ANSWER: I'm not aware of God's truth for me in Christ Jesus. There are more and more treasures to be found, more strength and power to be tapped. The possibilities are endless!Everyday we should live by the treasure of the application of His word! It is alive and powerful! God's purpose in all this was to use the church to display His wisdom in it's rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. I ask you... "What does this mean for YOU?"Our earthly home is the place where we play out our lives. I can tell you there is much more going on here than what is just seen with our eyes or felt with our emotions. We can experience all these Endless Treasures because they are meant for us. They are God's grand purpose to display His Wisdom to the on lookers in the heavenly realms. This was His Eternal Plan, which He carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord. Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence. By Grace. SUPERNATURAL WISDOM being made manifest through His word says; Supernatural Wisdom is not of this natural world. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes it is ridiculously awesome to think and meditate on. Don't be satisfied to live your life in the natural. Be SUPERNATURAL, You already are... if you have trusted in what Jesus has done for you on the cross. Tune in to what he wants to display through your life, It will show off His Wisdom to the unseen rulers and authorities. We will experience Endless Treasures which is given by His wisdom. We will bring praise, glory and honor to our King and the name of Jesus will be lifted up. The name of Jesus will draw all men unto himself. Through the treasures we display by His Wisdom people will come to know Christ. And Christians will grow in a more powerful joyous way.
7 months ago
Just wanted to say thank you for the encouraging words you gave me at Insparation. I have been praying over them and holding them in my heart. You speak such words of wisdom and truth. Its such a blessing to know you! :)